24 June 2009
visiting the old neighbourhood - we lived in my uncle's house 5 years ago
my uncle's house is very cool, his daughters' room is Japanese style, i loved it...
it would be weird to impose on him every time we come to Taiwan, so we decided to spend a little money for hotels instead.
i could remember him as a very very nice guy who took us out for dinner, bought us big and sweet strawberries which were in season, went to stay in his bro's house and left his whole house to us.... i still send him new year cards but i dunno if he receives them cos he doesn't reply (probably too busy with his business..)
would love to meet him again :)
had breakfast at the shop near the neighbourhood - still there after 5 long years.
9am at SOGO - to meet Uchikawa san and Dozono san
HAHAHA.. fancy meeting my Japanese friends in Taiwan.
Kuroki was missing :(
They were busy preparing for their fair so mum and I shopped around...
it would be weird to impose on him every time we come to Taiwan, so we decided to spend a little money for hotels instead.
i could remember him as a very very nice guy who took us out for dinner, bought us big and sweet strawberries which were in season, went to stay in his bro's house and left his whole house to us.... i still send him new year cards but i dunno if he receives them cos he doesn't reply (probably too busy with his business..)
would love to meet him again :)
had breakfast at the shop near the neighbourhood - still there after 5 long years.
9am at SOGO - to meet Uchikawa san and Dozono san
HAHAHA.. fancy meeting my Japanese friends in Taiwan.
Kuroki was missing :(
They were busy preparing for their fair so mum and I shopped around...
Bought Tai Yang Bing from B2 - bad experience.
the Tai Yang Bing was broken, and the mixed box wasn't "mixed" at all. the fillings were almost the same. so i wrote a super long letter (trust me, it's really long. if you look at it you won't even want to read on. it's all traditional chinese and i spent almost an hour writing it)to SOGO Taiwan and they requested for my number to apologise to me directly. I am still thinking whether to give them or not. Also no compensation. Already back in Singapore.
Here's the letter if you want to read....
Dear Administrator, I am from Singapore, and was in Taiwan in June. I sent my feedback previously to the SOGO online message board, however no replies nor actions were taken. 我來自新加坡. 我之前留過言,但並沒有收到任何回復. 我和我家人在6月17日的中午去了SOGO復興,臨走之前我們在B2逛了一會兒. 我的哥哥聽說台灣的太陽餅很好吃,所以我們想了很久終於選了璞真記. 因為也不知道好不好吃,所以買了4個當時那個服務小姐很不禮貌的說了一句:”你們看這麼久只買4個啊?” 請問單單買4個有錯嗎? 不過我們是遊客,反正都不會再回來,所以也沒追究. 我哥覺得璞真記的太陽餅很不錯,所以在24日我們回國之間,我和我媽媽特地跑了一趟. 因為要趕回國的班機,所以9點之間就在SOGO外頭等了. 多謝一位熱心的清潔工人,我們才知道B2 10點才營業,所以在B3逛了一個小時. 因為服務小姐(是和之間同樣一位)告訴我們告訴太陽餅綜合16裝有4種口味,所以我們決定買太陽餅綜合16裝,并向服務小姐)要了一盒新的. 但她卻拿了display那盒包起來. display那盒明明就有一些破碎了!!我們再次要求,她就說太陽餅本來就應該是破的(真的嗎??我不知道…), 然後換了一, 兩個給我們. 因為趕時間,所以沒有再要求.既然是SOGO,不會有問題的吧? 大錯特錯.回國以後,我們發現到16個太陽餅幾乎全部都碎了..!!(我們很小心了,因為同樣的服務小姐跟我們說一定要手提)而且,綜合裡面有至少6個竽頭,根本沒有我哥哥喜歡的原味!!搞什麼啊??只有3個口味,芋頭就佔了差不多一半…這是什麼種的綜合?? 這次的經驗然我對SOGO很不滿,不要說服務,連貨品的品質都不能保證!! 特地跑去買,人也到了新加坡,又不能退貨, 沒辦法要給了親友們破碎的餅當禮, 很無奈你知道嗎? 我知道我也有不對,應該先檢察不過服務小姐也不應該給我們錯的information啊..要是外國的旅客都有這種經驗,SOGO的名譽就會下滑.. 台灣很好玩,台灣人也很親切,是個好地方,但卻沒想到會在最後一天,在SOGO遇到了不愉快的事.. I am very disappointed with the service recovery, and I hope necessary measures will be taken to make sure nothing like this happen again. 我的國語不是很好,打這條留言就花了我好多時間,也無非想要SOGO進步,跟得到合理的解釋和交代.我想留言的各位都是這樣想的..我們可以不留言,但這樣SOGO的服務永遠都不會改善.. 我希望SOGO也用同樣的時間調查這件事,不要再給我和大家一個 官方的回答…請給我們重新相信SOGO的理由…謝謝… 你也不必叫我打什麼專線,因為我也不了解會不會有國際費用..電郵我也寄了.. 只差投訴到日本SOGO罷了… 如果顯得沒禮貌,請願諒.. 謝謝.. 儀/Singapore
Even I dread reading the letter again. My eyes hurt.
The Tai Yang Bing was nice but the service sucked. If I was still there I'll complain until they compensate me double the amount. (yes i am complaint queen! but i study hospitality, you cannot blame me...)i am really angry because the staff gave wrong info, and sold us inferior products.
SOGO/Japanese Service isn't invincible after all.
they called me and they are going to courier another box of goodies over XD
back to Ximending to meet the sleepy heads.
Dedicated to Joanne:
I really don't understand why the remote control is secured with the room key.
Hotel: Red Cabin 紅菱閣
Other than the super duper hard bed (it doesn't move an inch even when you jump in it), the receptionists are friendly, it's affordable and convenient. you can book rooms in english too, so very tourist-friendly.
bus to airport.
Hotel: Red Cabin 紅菱閣
Other than the super duper hard bed (it doesn't move an inch even when you jump in it), the receptionists are friendly, it's affordable and convenient. you can book rooms in english too, so very tourist-friendly.
bus to airport.
despite taking 3 bags each, all luggages came to a total of 40+ kg only. I think we decided to hand carry many stuff..
i would love to stay but i was penniless..
(there are still some bills to be paid, we used CC for 2 of the hotels)
(there are still some bills to be paid, we used CC for 2 of the hotels)
我希望考試第一名. 全家平平安安.
Seriously, is winning that important?
Is victory just for your parents? I feel a bit upset after reading all these..
what kind of education are they getting?
Most of them were about getting first, and their ambitions...
that was a pretty sunset we saw...
happy ending to everything :)
can't believe we are back in Singapore...
i miss the night markets, the endless cheap shopping, the street performers, the mountains, the friendly(and social responsible) citizens....
we are planning to go there every year :D
you dunno what you have been missing until you have been there!!
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