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Monday, January 28, 2013

Winter Wonderland 29.12.12 - Seoul [Day 3] : love motel and the epic taxi scam at DDM

29 Dec 2013: Day 3 - SEOUL
Seoul, Dong Dae Mun

today was the JOKE of the trip. i'll talk about it more in a while...

cute decorations to welcome us =)

and it's really SNOWING! (sorry i'm really excited cos it's my first time seeing falling snow).

we made our way to the hostel (Fully Guesthouse!! more about it later) on public bus - a route we were familiar with. bus 6011 to the area in Hyehwa. we lugged our luggage through the wet winter, falling snow... and finally we reached our hostel! when i went in, i was about to greet the hostel owner!! but he looked really puzzled to see me... after some explanation, I realised I booked the rooms for the wrong date!! I was due to arrive tomorrow, so there were no rooms for us T.T


i'm a JOKE.

what are we supposed to do?! our friendly Mr Cho then started to help us call the nearby hostels to ask if they had rooms. calls after calls... but because it was near end of year, all the hostels were fully booked T.T and we weren't very willing to pay 300 dollars for a hotel room... so in the end Mr Cho asked if we are willing to stay in a love motel... >.< just for a night..... Mr Cho would pick us up tomorrow morning. He's so nice!

And so, we ended up at Candy's. the amenities are pretty decent actually. it's about 60 dollars per room per night. it's interesting how things turn out to be.... not everyone gets to stay in a love motel in Korea, right....? hahahahahha.

at cafe bene for some hot snacks and drinks... SNOW~

parents went back to rest while my sister and I went to Dongdaemun for late night shopping. As you know, Seoul is a city that never sleeps!!

Snowing right now!!

Look at the beautiful decor at DDM!

Late night snack

and here comes the "highlight" of the night...

Taxi by meter from Candy to DDM = 7,000 won

Taxi by meter from DDM to Candy = 121,000 won

WHATTTTT? yes i can hear your exclamation. of course it's a scam!

we flagged the taxi right in front of the malls at DDM, and before we boarded the taxi, the taxi driver told us because it's late it's going to be expensive. yes uncle we know, midnight surcharge. 50% more? was what we thought. so we boarded the taxi. but my sister and I were engrossed in chatting we forgot to look if the driver started the meter....

During the ride the driver chatted with us, and we had fun speaking to him. when we reached Candy's, we were dumbfounded when he pointed to the meter with little wordings and the digits 121,000. now, we dunno much Korean but c'mon! how can the ride be 121,000 won?! it's 7,000 won for the trip there! a small argument started and i said i'll call my friend (lol i didn't even have data plan or anything on my phone)... after some talk in broken English and Korean, he gave me a "discount" - 70,000 won.

Right, uncle, right... I believe you.

I continued to argue with him and I could sense his frustration (sounded like what they say in Korean dramas)... so I just gave him 30,000 won and my sister and I left the taxi. Uncle, you are messing with the wrong girls!!!

Ladies, please beware! Use my little tricks if needed :P a better idea is to take down the details of the car plate and time etc. and call 120, press 9 to lodge a complaint. don't let yourself be bullied!

anyway still in disbelief, but we saw a blank snow patch, so we did a snow angel... hahaha..
can't wait to go back to where we are familiar with... Hyehwa!!

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